+38 (094) 945-83-17, +38 (099) 544-46-75 - Бронювання - Reservations - Reservierung
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Odeskyi Health Retreat offers package holidays for 7, 14, 21 days that include recreational vacation at Odesa seaside. The price covers one day of vacation for 1 person, including accommodations, meal, and therapy sessions. Check-in is from 8:30, check out – before 8:00 (breakfast not included).
We look forward to welcoming you!

Make reservation Package price 2023

Vacation in Odesa 2023

The exceptional location of Odeskyi Health Retreat provides for active and fulfilling leisure. Picturesque seaside, Zolotyi Bereh beach, multiple restaurants, health trail (for hiking, running, and bike rides along the seaside) –  all of them are within 10-minute walk from the Retreat.

Dietary nutrition and mineral water

Balanced dietary meals 3-5 times a day along with mineral water will improve your treatment.



Odeskyi Retreat is the only SES health resort institution that provides treatment for SES employees and their families, as well medical and phycological rehabilitation of rescue workers, ATO participants, and other social categories.

+38 (0482) 33-84-99, +38 (048) 789-23-17 (Admission office, requests and reservations)
+38 (0482) 34-90-67 (Chief Physician intake office)
+38 (048) 34-72-93 (Accountants office)

Odeskyi Health Retreat – Rest and Recreation 2023

Welcome to Odesa, the resort at the very seaside. Let us give you a short welcoming tour.

How to reach us

3, Rybalska Balka St., Odesa, Ukraine (16th stantsiia Velykoho Fontanu)


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